C'art theatre Teatro C'art

Everything started in the 97/98: André Casaca, on the occasion of his first theatrical formations in Italy, met Stefano Marzuoli and Teresa Bruno.

From that time born a profound understanding at an artistic level and the need to share a research path on physical theater and clowns.

In 2002 they founded, with the artistic direction of André Casaca, the Teatro C’art comic Education company, a stable research core that involved other Italian and foreign artists participate over the years.



Tranquilli!!! he breaks his hectic daily life with romantic moments, of pure poetry drawn from...



A woman on stage. Clown. Alone. Or maybe not. Rosa. Can a woman provoke, seduce,...


Zone Franca

Zone Franca
ZONE FRANCA is the territory where live madness as an act of freedom. A place...


Felici per Sempre

Felici per Sempre
ABOUT THE SHOW All fairy tales in Brazil end with the words: “they got married...



Comic body identity
basic level

comic body identity course

Basic clown course directed by Andrè Casaca

Comedy and

comedy and performance course

Professional course directed by André Casaca

of the body

nature of the body course

Sensory perceptual training Directed by Teresa Bruno

The essence
of the clown

essence of the clown course

Clown introductory stage directed by Teresa Bruno

Give body
to the voice

give body to the voice course

Collective voice course directed by Teresa Bruno

Comic body identity
advance level

comic body identity course

Advance clown course directed by André Casaca

Expressiveness and
body readiness

body readiness theatrical course

Actor physical training directed by Teresa Bruno

Individual voice

voice lessons theatre course

Individual vocality lessons directed by Teresa Bruno



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